Registration is closed for this event
A productive farm and sound management under pin the success of any CSA project. This study tour offers the opportunity to visit a leading fruit and vegetable producer and one of the UK’s best-known CSA Projects. Mae fferm gynhyrchiol a rheolaeth gadarn yn sail i lwyddiant unrhyw brosiect ffermio gyda pobl (CSA). Mae’r daith astudio hon yn cynnig cyfle i ymweld â chynhyrchydd ffrwythau a llysiau llwyddiannus, ac un o brosiectau CSA mwyaf blaenllaw y DU.

A productive farm and sound management under pin the success of any CSA project. This study tour offers the opportunity to visit a leading fruit and vegetable producer and one of the UK’s best-known CSA Projects.

Trill Farm (Pudleylake Road, Musbury, Axminster EX13 8TU) is a 300-acre mixed organic farm. It is home to a number of thriving enterprises, including a market garden, livestock (beef and sheep), a commercial kitchen, a carpentry workshop, soap and beauty products enterprise and a herb business. The market garden is run by Ashley and Kate Wheeler on a 2.5 ac site with several large poly tunnels and field crops. In all, they grow over 80 varieties of crop, sold to local restaurants (including River Cottage just next door) and through a weekly farmers’ market stall.

The focus of our visit will achieving a continuous supply of a wide range of quality produce with limited land, space and resources.

Chagfood (Rushford Mill Farm, Chagford, TQ13 8DA) is one the UK’s flagship CSA projects, founded by Ed Hamer and Annkatrin Hendry in 2009. They rent six acres of land on two small plots a mile from Chagford and grow 50 varieties of seasonal fruit and vegetables. Chagfood provides 80 households with a full box for 28 weeks between July and January. From February to June members receive one or two seasonal items weekly. This visit will focus on project management, including building and maintaining membership, dealing with the ‘hungry gap’, pricing and more.

Where: Trill Farm, Axminster & Chagfood, Chagford

When: 21 & 22 February 2018


Wednesday 21 February


Travel from Wales to Chagfood




Introduction to Chagfood


Workshop session (including breaks)

  • Building and maintaining membership
  • Dealing with the ‘hungry gap’
  • Communicating with members
  • Decision making and governance
  • Pricing
  • Scaling up/ expanding the growing operation
  • Volunteer/ trainee/ intern management.


Farm Walk


Closing discussion


Travel to accommodation



Thursday 22 February


Travel to Trill Farm


Introduction to Trill Farm


Workshop session (including breaks)

  • Choosing your crops
  • Successional cropping and variety choice
  • Propagating to achieve continuity
  • Making the most of limited space


Farm Walk


Closing discussion




Return to Wales


We will be running a minibus from Haverfordwest via Carmarthen, the M4 and the M5. Contact Tony Little (07969 541133) to book your place and agree pick up points.


We will be staying in Hostel type accommodation at YHA Okehampton, a just in the edge of Dartmoor. The cost will be £24.60 (B&B) and participants will need to meet this cost. Please pay online when you book.

Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Please read our cancellation policy


Mae fferm gynhyrchiol a rheolaeth gadarn yn sail i lwyddiant unrhyw brosiect amaethyddiaeth a gefnogir gan y gymuned (CSA). Mae’r daith astudio hon yn cynnig cyfle i ymweld â chynhyrchydd ffrwythau a llysiau llwyddiannus, ac un o brosiectau CSA mwyaf blaenllaw y DU.

Mae Trill Farm (Pudleylake Road, Musbury, Axminster EX13 8TU) yn fferm organig gymysg 300 erw. Mae’n gartref i nifer o fentrau llewyrchus, gan gynnwys gardd farchnad, da byw (gwartheg cig eidion a defaid), cegin fasnachol, gweithdy saer, menter sebon a chynnyrch harddwch a busnes perlysiau. Caiff yr ardd farchnad ei rheoli gan Ashley a Kate Wheeler ar safle 2.5 erw, sydd â nifer o dwneli polythen a chnydau sy’n tyfu mewn caeau. Maent yn tyfu dros 80 o wahanol fathau o gnydau i gyd, sy’n cael eu gwerthu i fwytai lleol (gan gynnwys River Cottage drws nesaf) ac ar stondin mewn marchnad ffermwyr wythnosol.

Bydd yr ymweliad yn canolbwyntio ar gyrraedd cyflenwad parhaus o ystod eang o gynnyrch ansawdd uchel er gwaethaf diffyg tir, lle ac adnoddau.

Chagfood (Rushford Mill Farm, Chagford, TQ13 8DA) yw un o’r prif brosiectau CSA yn y DU, a sefydlwyd gan Ed Hamer ac Annkatrin Hendry yn 2009. Maent yn rhentu chwe erw o dir ar ddau blot bach filltir o Chagford, ac yn tyfu 50 o wahanol fathau o ffrwythau a llysiau tymhorol. Mae Chagfood yn darparu bocs llawn i 80 o gartrefi dros 28 wythnos rhwng mis Gorffennaf a mis Ionawr. Rhwng mis Chwefror a mis Mehefin, mae’r aelodau’n derbyn un neu ddwy eitem dymhorol bob wythnos. Bydd yr ymweliad yn canolbwyntio ar reoli prosiect, gan gynnwys denu a chadw aelodau, ymdopi â’r ‘bwlch llwgu’, prisiau a llawer mwy.


Dydd Mercher 21 Chwefror


Teithio o Gymru i Chagfood




Cyflwyniad i Chagfood


Sesiwn gweithdy (yn cynnwys egwyl)

  • Denu a chadw aelodau
  • Ymdopi â’r ‘bwlch llwgu’
  • Cyfathrebu â’r aelodau
  • Gwneud penderfyniadau a llywodraethiant
  • Prisiau
  • Cynyddu/ehangu’r gwaith tyfu
  • Rheoli gwirfoddolwyr/gweithwyr dan hyfforddiant/interniaid.


Taith drwy’r fferm


Trafodaeth i gloi


Teithio i’r llety



Dydd Iau 22 Chwefror


Teithio i Trill Farm


Cyflwyniad i Trill Farm


Sesiwn gweithdy (yn cynnwys egwyl)

  • Dewis eich cnydau
  • Plannu cnydau yn dilyn ei gilydd a dewis math o gnwd
  • Lluosogi er mwyn cael parhad
  • Manteisio’n llawn ar y lle cyfyngedig sydd gennych chi


Taith drwy’r fferm


Trafodaeth i gloi




Dychwelyd i Gymru


Byddwn yn trefnu bws mini o Hwlffordd trwy Gaerfyrddin, yr M4 a’r M5. Cysylltwch â Tony Little (07969 541133) i gadw eich lle a threfnu ble i gael eich casglu.


Byddwn yn aros mewn llety hostel yn YHA Okehampton, ar ymylon Dartmoor. Y gost fydd £24.60 (gwely a brecwast) a bydd angen i’r cyfranogwyr dalu am y costau hyn. Talwch ar-lein pan fyddwch yn cadw eich lle.

Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig, felly trefnwch le yn gynnar i osgoi cael eich siomi. Darllenwch ein polisi canslo

February 21st, 2018 8:00 AM to February 22nd, 2018 2:30 PM
Event Fee(s)
B&B/Gwely a Brecwast £24.60
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