Tyfu Powys Final Gathering

 Registration is closed for this event

Tyfu Powys Final Gathering
Thursday 23 January 2025
10:00 to 16:00

If you're involved in, or have an interest in, community gardening in Powys, come along to the final meetup of our Tyfu Powys project. Tyfu Powys has received £203,610 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  Thanks to this funding we've been able to support gardens by purchasing game-changing infrastructure, providing funding for gardens to run their own events, and connecting expert mentors with spaces in need of advice and support.

Join us to celebrate the project, hear what everyone has been up to, and make new connections with fellow gardeners in Powys. Hosted by the wonderful Lost Arc in Rhayader, you’ll be well looked after in a beautiful setting with delicious food. 

We’re excited to welcome Dr Rhys Jones for a special guest talk – ‘Dr. Jones at the Lost Arc’ – where he'll share tips on how to bring more wildlife into your growing space.

There will be a range of activities to get stuck into, including discussions on volunteer recruitment and retention, a chance to learn how to sharpen your tools, a workshop on effective composting, and the opportunity to make seed bombs and bird boxes to take home with you.

This event will also provide a chance for us to gather feedback on how the project has (or hasn’t) supported you and your community garden. Your insights will help us continue our work and ensure that any future support we might offer is truly fit for purpose. Help us help you!

Places are Limited!

Please register to attend, as places are limited and we need to know numbers for catering. 


The Lost Arc in Rhayader, Wales is wheelchair accessible and includes a number of features to assist those with accessibility needs. We want to make sure everyone can enjoy the event, so if you have any additional accessibility needs, please let us know when you register.

Travel Information

Are you driving and have spare seats in your car? Offer lift shares via the Powys Community Growing Network Facebook page! Alternatively, check bus times here: Rhayader Bus Times.

2025-01-23 from 10:00 AM to  4:00 PM
The Lost Arc
Old Drill Hall
Bridge St
United Kingdom
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