Rural Enterprise Dwellings for Small Scale Horticulture

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Are you a planner who would like to hear about the latest thinking on the application of TAN 6 rural enterprise dwelling policy to small scale horticultural farming enterprises? Maybe you are involved in a planning application for a temporary rural enterprise dwelling on a new horticultural farm? Come along to hear about Powys County Council's recently published planning guidance on Rural Enterprise Dwellings for small scale horticulture. We will also touch on a recently approved application in Powys for 3 new rural enterprise dwellings on a County Farm which has been split up to provide land and buildings for 3 new horticultural farms.Finally we will look at the economic viability of small scale horticulutral enterprises. 

We will hear from - 

Lucie Taylor, runs the Community Land Advisory Service for Social Farms & Gardens. She is a long serving chartered town planner who has spent much of the last 2 years concerning herself with planning applications for horticultural enteprrises in Wales. 

Rebecca Laughton works for the Landworkers Alliance dealing with applications and appeals for horticultural rural enterprise dwellings. She has had a long running career dispelling myths around the viability of small scale farming enterprises and has written on the economics of growing food on ten acres or less. 

A grower who lives in a rural enterprise dwelling on their horticultural enterprise in Wales. They will tell us why they need to live on the land that they farm and how important it is for their viability. 


Where: TEAMS

When: Monday 27th January 2025  1pm to 3pm


  • Planning guidance on rural enterprise dwellings for small scale horticulture
  • Temporary rural enterprise dwellings
  • The viablity of small scale horticultural enteprrises 
  • Planning application examples 
2025-01-27 from  1:00 PM to  3:00 PM
Online using Microsoft Teams. Please download the software.
United Kingdom
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