GCF Training:Care Farming Awareness Day - Yorkshire & Humber

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Growing Care Farming - Care Farming Awareness Day (Thirsk, N.Yorkshire)

Are you interested in referring users to care farms or commissioning care farm services? Are you interested in starting to deliver care farming services yourself? If the answer to either of those questions is 'Yes' then this event is for you.

This Care Farming Awareness Day is aimed at both referrers/commissioners of services and also prospective care farmers.

What to expect on the day:

The morning will provide an introduction to care farming, why it is a good thing and will showcase three local care farmers who will talk more about their journey, the services they provide and other key considerations.

Following a networking lunch, prospective care farmers are invited to stay on for a number of interactive workshop sessions in the afternoon which will encourage them to think about how they might develop safe and person centred services. Our experienced care farmers from the morning will be on hand to help answer questions alongside the Growing Care Farming team and a representative from McClarrons Insurance.

Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Where: Rural Arts, The Old Courthouse, Westgate, Thirsk, YO7 1QS

When: Wednesday 11th March 2020

09.30am - 1.15pm (Half day including lunch & networking) for commissioners or referrers

09.30am - 4.00pm (Full day including lunch & networking) for prospective care farmers.

Event programme:

  • ‘What is Care Farming and why is it a good thing?’ - Sarah Marrison to introduce short video
  • Care Farming in Action - Robin Asquith, Camphill Village Trust; including the development of relationships with referrers and commissioners.
  • Care Farming in Action - Justin Mazzotta, Beetle Bank Social Farm; including developing and delivering person-centred care.
  • Care Farming in Action - Rachael Fell Chambers, Densholme Care Farm; including measuring impacts and outcomes.
  • Ensuring Quality Service Provision; The care farming Code of Practice – Sarah Marrison and Deborah Evans, Social Farms & Gardens
  • Questions/discussions

         -Lunch & networking-

  • Developing your ‘offer’ - Your motivation, skills and experience
  • Running a responsible care farm – e.g. governance & insurance; what is the best set up for you?
  • Caring about the people we work with – safeguarding service users, staff and volunteers
  • Ensuring your care farm is a safe place to be – legal requirements, risk assessment, first aid provision, etc
  • Training and Support - Further training opportunities, mentoring & support available through GCF 
2020-03-11 from  9:30 AM to  4:00 PM
Rural Arts
The Old Courthouse
United Kingdom
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