Tyfu Powys Final Gathering

If you have any problems completing this form, please contact us on 07908 936 816

Your contact details

Please let us know which details you are happy for us to share with other event attendees and whether you would like to be added to our mailing lists to keep in touch with our work and find out about future events.

If you agree, we will add you to our mailing lists to receive news about our work. This will include our UK wide ebulletins, regional or country specific news about our work near you and also bulletins about particular areas of our work (e.g. the Growing Care Farming project or the School Farms Network).

This question is in addition to our event booking terms and conditions to help us ensure that we only use your personal data in ways that you are happy with.

How can we use your contact details?

Please indicate your dietary preferences.

If you have ticked 'other' please provide a bit more information.

How could we make this event more accessible to you, e.g. provision of a hearing loop?

Access requirements
Please tell us if you would like provision of English to Welsh translation service or a hearing loop? etc.

Please indicate how you will be travelling to the venue.

Travel arrangements
Please help us co-ordinate lift shares between particpants.
If you would like/can offer a lift, please provide further information. e.g. travelling from where, how many spaces in your car etc.
Photo Consent
In doing so you are confirming that you understand and agree that: The images/content were taken with the consent of the subject and will be held by Social Farms & Gardens (SF&G) in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The images/content will be the copyright of SF&G. You can contact SF&G on the details at the bottom of this form; asking us to stop using your images at any time. If you request this, the content will not be used in any future materials. (Please note: they may continue to appear in publications that are already in circulation.) If you are informed by a subject/service user that they no longer want to be featured in future publications etc, you can also inform SF&G of this by email. I have read and understood this and give my permission for Social Farms & Gardens to use images taken or recorded for use as outlined above.
Regional data (Individuals)
Please enter at least the first four digits of your (or your site's) postcode. This helps us know which area in Powys you are based and assists in our reporting to our funders.
Please read and accept the Event Registration Terms & Conditions.