We welcome partnership working and support other initiatives which bring benefits to communities in Scotland. Please contact us if you are interested in working together. Our partners in Scotland include:


The Scottish charity that supports, promotes, and develops the use of horticulture to improve health, well-being and life opportunities for all. Trelllis works with many therapeutic gardens. Until June 2012 SF&G worked with Trellis and the Allotments Regeneration Initiative (ARI) on the Big Lottery funded Growing Communities in Scotland project. Although the funding for this project has now finished, we continue to work closely with Trellis to offer joint networking and training events. 

Scottish Community Alliance

SF&G in Scotland supports this informal alliance of national and regional networks, local community groups and individuals that has come together to campaign for a strong and independent community sector in Scotland. LPL has two main functions: to promote the work of local people in their communities and to influence national policy development. We email regular briefings to our supporters on both these themes.

Garden for Life 

A partnership of organisations working in Scotland to increase enjoyment and understanding of biodiversity, support action by gardeners for the benefit of Scotland's biodiversity and to promote the benefits of gardening for health and well being.

Grow Your Own Working Group

Established by the Scottish government, this group's terms of reference are to take forward the aspects of the National Food and Drink Policy ‘Recipe For Success’ relating to growing your own food. www.growyourownscotland.info



Includes our own training events and workshops, and selected events and training run by organisations in the sector we think might be relevant. We aim to share the buzz and keep you informed.

Our Work

We are the leading UK charity dedicated to supporting city farms, community gardens, care farms & other green spaces.