A Networking Tour of a Community Garden linked with a Foodbank

A group of a dozen people stand in a community garden and smile for the camera


On a sunny August afternoon, community growers from across London enjoyed a tour of St Raphaels Garden, led by Garden Manager Billie Beckley.

This Brent community garden was set up eight years ago, and is linked with Sufra, a dynamic foodbank. 

We harvested snacks and learned about how the charity coordinates a network of food banks, kitchens, a community shop and café. These act as a gateway for guests to access more holistic support – including welfare advice, asylum support and getting involved in the award winning community garden. www.sufra-nwlondon.org.uk

This sociable networking tour is part of a London networking and training programme funded by City Bridge Foundation to develop the skills and connections of SF&Gs London members. To join the mailing list, learn more or offer your space and skills please email [email protected] 



Food growing