Social Farms & Gardens (SF&G) are pleased to announce revitalised support and management of the School Farms Network (SFN) by Growing Connections, run by previous SF&G members of staff, Keeley and Heidi.
SF&G started the SFN in 2004 following calls from teachers for several years concerned about losing land and lack of status. We also organised an event to determine what was needed. The DFE funded the Growing Schools programme, including a school growing garden at Hampton Court, which in part led to the Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto. We developed the Get Your Hands Dirty resource and organised regional events and conferences with the Royal Agricultural Society, the last one in June 2023. A new impetus is now required, and Growing Connections are keen to provide you with that support.
Growing Connections deliver quality face-to-face and online training in a variety of related subjects. These include courses for those working with or in schools that garden and keep animals in an educational setting to support learning and wellbeing. We shall work together to bring you improved services including jointly administering the SFN Facebook Forum; please join if you haven’t already.
For more information, contact: [email protected]