SF&G is working with Crowdfunder to support gardens, farms and community growing spaces to use crowdfunding as a way to fund their activities and grow big new ideas.

What is Crowdfunding? news_image_4.png 

Crowdfunding is a way to raise money from the people around you and others who share your passion. It works on the principle that if lots of people give a little, big things can be achieved! Crowdfunding platforms operate by providing an online space to host your fundraising campaign, and handling the payments side of people making donations to you. 

SF&G have partnered with Crowdfunder, a platform that offers zero platform fees to charities and just 5% for other organisations.

They have set up an online hub to group all the campaigns from our members and related groups together - giving more visibility to both individual campaigns and the sector as a whole.

How do I set up my campaign?

  • Get some initial ideas by taking a look at campaigns that are already up and running.

  • Use the resources below to help you design your campaign and decide how much you want to raise.

  • Create your unique page on Crowdfunder.co.uk explaining your idea. Set a target and how long you need to reach it.

  • Spread the word to friends, professional contacts and others in your community, telling everyone you know about the project.


Use these documents to help you plan your crowdfunding campaign, or go to the Crowdfunder Guides Hub to see their full bank of resources ranging from reward ideas and social media guides, to online and interactive webinars.

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