Gardeniser Pro in London

News item first posted on: 25/05/22

From 16th-20th May we welcomed 12 learners from across the UK and Europe to London to attend the Gardeniser Pro course.

During the week the group also got a chance to visit a wide range of gardens and farms in London, including Kentish Town City Farm and the Chelsea Physic Garden, who celebrated their 50th and 350th birthdays respectively in 2022!

We were blessed with brilliant weather and a wealth of experience from a wide range of people working in community gardens. 

"The course was brilliantly structured and delivered"

"I feel the course has had a real impact on my perception and understanding of the value of different types of community gardens.  It has fuelled my enthusiasm for continuing to be involved in community gardens as a volunteer and also given me a bit more confidence in my ability to initiate potential projects"

For more information on the Gardeniser programme and future course dates go to
