Measuring and demonstrating the potential carbon benefits of using local food hubs

News item first posted on: 16/11/22

Sustainable Food Procurement for Local Prosperity



Working in partnership, Social Farms & Gardens, Open Food Network, Cultivate, Development Trusts Association Wales and Foothold Cymru, aim to demonstrate that the public sector CAN procure efficiently from local producers using methods that benefit the natural environment and local prosperity.  
Collaborating with Sustainable Food Places Officers in North Powys and Carmarthenshire, two Procurement Hubs are purchasing from local, small-scale growers, aggregating supply and providing produce to the public sector that meets (or exceeds) requirements in terms of ease, cost and sustainability.

The project aims to:
•    Provide data that demonstrates the wider impact to local authorities and other public sector bodies of purchasing from local growers.
•    Provide data that demonstrates the wider impact to local authorities and other public sector bodies of purchasing from growers using agroecological methods.
•    Provide data that demonstrates the wider value to local authorities and other public sector bodies of using a local food hub model.
We have commissioned two consultants to capture data around:
-    Nutrient density of local produce (grown agroecologically).
-    Sustainability impact of local, community-based procurement food hubs assessed within the WFGA framework.
The final piece of data we want to capture is around carbon impact of the model. Additionally, we have commissioned BRO Partnership to evaluate the project and the evidence provided by our carbon impact contractor will be included in the final evaluation report.

Due to the small sample size of this pilot project and the short timeframes within which we are working, we are not anticipating collecting robust data that can be used to prove wide impact of this model. However, all our data collection activity is aimed at increasing the awareness and knowledge of growers, public sector customers and the hub itself to identify improvements to practice and simple monitoring techniques to capture data ongoing. 

All data will be integrated into the Open Food Network (OFN) platform so that public sector customers can see the added value of products they are purchasing.

All data that we capture should be used to demonstrate how this model can help public sector bodies in Carmarthenshire and North Powys to meet their stated aims around carbon, biodiversity, health and local economy.
Our long-term strategy is to use the learning from this pilot to develop the model including technological advancements, upscaling growers/producers and empowering local procurement champions within the public sector.

The contractor will be required to:
•    Work with growers involved in the pilot in Carmarthenshire and North Powys.
•    Understand public sector (including local authorities, health boards, public services boards and Welsh Government) priorities in terms of meeting carbon targets.
•    Provide training to various parties involved in the pilot on how to measure carbon impact.
•    Support three growers in each region to measure their carbon impact.
•    Provide advice and guidance to growers about how to reduce their carbon impact.
•    Collate and translate data into useful format that can be 
o    integrated into OFN platform, and
o    used by public sector bodies to demonstrate how this model could help meet their targets
o    integrated into the pilot project evaluation
Additionally, the contractor may be able to: 
•    Share techniques and expertise for measuring wider environmental impact such as biodiversity.
•    Share baseline data which can be used to demonstrate impact of alternative growing methods and working locally.

Quotes received:         Wednesday 7th Dec 2022
        Contract awarded:        Friday 16th Dec 2022
        Final evidence submitted:    Friday 19th May 2023
Proposed Fee
We have a budget of £10,000 including VAT to deliver this piece of work.

Your Track Record
You should:
-    Understand the world of small-scale, agroecological growers in Wales.
-    Have a proven track record in measuring carbon impact.
-    Have a good understanding of relevant public sector targets and legislation. 
-    Be willing to work with community-sector partners
-    Have a proven track record of providing training in carbon measuring and reduction.

Next Steps
Tenders should be submitted via Sell2Wales or directly to the contact email below by the dates provided. Full costs should be detailed (including whether VAT is applicable) and you should explain how your track record shows that you could meet the requirements of this contract.
Proposals should include a proposed schedule of activity including measuring, workshops and reporting.
Assessment of Tenders

Tenders will be assessed by a panel of Social Farms & Gardens staff and project Steering Group member(s). Tenders will be assessed on whether they meet the stated criteria and whether they offer value for money.

Alison Sheffield, Project Coordinator, Social Farms & Gardens
[email protected], 07752 542 853

Caffael Bwyd Cynaliadwy er Ffyniant Lleol



Nod Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol, y Rhwydwaith Bwyd Agored, Cultivate, Cymdeithas Ymddiriedolaethau Datblygu Cymru a Foothold Cymru, trwy weithio mewn partneriaeth yw dangos y GALL y sector cyhoeddus gaffael yn effeithlon gan gynhyrchwyr lleol trwy ddefnyddio dulliau sydd o fudd i’r amgylchedd lleol a ffyniant lleol.
Trwy gydweithio gyda Swyddogion Lleoedd Bwyd Cynaliadwy Gogledd Powys a Sir Gâr, mae dau Hyb Caffael yn prynu gan dyfwyr bach lleol, gan gydgrynhoi’r cyflenwad ac yn darparu cynnyrch ar gyfer y sector cyhoeddus sy’n bodloni (neu’n rhagori ar) gofynion o safbwynt hwylustod, cost a chynaliadwyedd.

Nod y prosiect yw:
•    Darparu data sy’n dangos effaith ehangach i awdurdodau lleol a chyrff sector cyhoeddus eraill o brynu gan dyfwyr lleol.
•    Darparu data sy’n dangos effaith ehangach i awdurdodau lleol a chyrff sector cyhoeddus eraill o brynu gan dyfwyr sy’n defnyddio dulliau amaethecolegol.
•    Darparu data sy’n dangos y gwerth ehangach i awdurdodau lleol a chyrff sector cyhoeddus eraill o ddefnyddio model hyb bwyd lleol.
Rydym wedi comisiynu dau ymgynghorydd i gofnodi data mewn perthynas â:
-    Dwysedd maetholion cynnyrch lleol (a dyfir mewn dull amaethecolegol).
-    Cynaliadwyedd effaith hybiau caffael bwyd lleol, a leolir yn y gymuned sy’n cael eu hasesu ar sail fframwaith DLlCD .
Mae darn olaf o ddata yr hoffem ei gofnodi yn ymwneud ag effaith y model o safbwynt carbon.
Yn ogystal, rydym wedi comisiynu Partneriaeth BRO i werthuso’r prosiect a byddwn yn cynnwys y dystiolaeth a ddarperir gan y contractwr sy’n asesu effaith o safbwynt carbon yn yr adroddiad gwerthuso terfynol.

Oherwydd maint sampl bach y prosiect peilot hwn, a’r amserlenni tynn sy’n berthnasol, nid ydym yn rhagweld casglu data cadarn i’w ddefnyddio i brofi effaith eang y model hwn. Er hynny, anelir ein gweithgaredd casglu data at gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth a gwybodaeth am dyfwyr, cwsmeriaid sector cyhoeddus a’r hyb ei hun i adnabod gwelliannau o ran arferion a thechnegau monitro syml i gofnodi data’n barhaus.

Caiff yr holl ddata ei integreiddio i blatfform y Rhwydwaith Bwyd Agored (OFN) er mwyn i gwsmeriaid sector cyhoeddus weld gwerth ychwanegol y cynnyrch maent yn eu prynu.

Dylid defnyddio’r holl ddata a gesglir i ddangos sut gall y model hwn helpu cyrff sector cyhoeddus yn Sir Gâr a Gogledd Powys i wireddu eu nodau mewn perthynas â charbon, bioamrywiaeth, iechyd a’r economi lleol.
Ein strategaeth hirdymor yw defnyddio’r hyn a ddysgir o’r prosiect peilot hwn i ddatblygu’r model, gan gynnwys datblygiadau technolegol, ehangu tyfwyr/cynhyrchwyr, a grymuso hyrwyddwyr caffael lleol o fewn y sector cyhoeddus.

Bydd gofyn i’r contractwr:
•    Weithio gyda thyfwyr sy’n rhan o’r prosiect peilot yn Sir Gâr a Gogledd Powys.
•    Deall blaenoriaethau’r sector cyhoeddus (gan gynnwys awdurdodau lleol, byrddau iechyd, byrddau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a Llywodraeth Cymru) o ran bodloni targedau carbon.
•    Darparu hyfforddiant i’r sefydliadau amrywiol sy’n rhan o’r peilot ar sut i fesur effaith ar garbon.
•    Cefnogi tri thyfwr ym mhob ardal i fesur eu heffaith ar garbon.
•    Darparu cyngor ac arweiniad i dyfwyr ynghylch sut i leihau eu heffaith ar garbon.
•    Coladu a dehongli data mewn fformat defnyddiol er mwyn  
o    Ei integreiddio i blatfform yr OFN, ac i
o    Gael ei ddefnyddio gan gyrff sector cyhoeddus i ddangos sut gall y model hwn helpu bodloni eu targedau
o    Ei integreiddio i werthusiad o’r prosiect peilot
Yn ogystal, hwyrach y bydd y contractwr yn gallu: 
•    Rhannu technegau ac arbenigedd o ran mesur effaith amgylcheddol ehangach megis bioamrywiaeth.
•    Rhannu data gwaelodlin i’w ddefnyddio i ddangos effaith dulliau tyfu amgen a gweithio’n lleol.

Derbyn dyfynbrisiau:
            Dydd Gwener 7eg Rhag 2022
        Dyfarnu’r Contract:            Dydd Mawrth 16eg Rhag 2022
        Cyflwyno tystiolaeth derfynol:    Dydd Gwener 19eg Mai 2023
Y Ffi Arfaethedig

Mae gennym gyllideb o £10,000, gan gynnwys TAW, i gyflawni’r darn gwaith hwn.

Eich Hanes Blaenorol
-    Ddeall byd tyfwyr amaethecolegol bach yng Nghymru.
-    Meddu ar hanes blaenorol mewn mesur effaith ar garbon.
-    Meddu ar ddealltwriaeth dda o dargedau a deddfwriaeth sector cyhoeddus perthnasol. 
-    Fod yn barod i weithio gyda phartneriaid o’r sector cymunedol.
-    Meddu ar hanes blaenorol o ddarparu hyfforddiant mewn mesur a lleihau carbon.

Camau Nesaf
Dylid cyflwyno tendrau trwy GwerthwchiGymru neu’n uniongyrchol trwy’r cyfeiriad ebost isod, erbyn y dyddiadau a nodir. Dylid nodi manylion llawn y costau (gan gynnwys a yw TAW yn berthnasol ai peidio) a dylid egluro sut mae eich hanes blaenorol yn dystiolaeth y gallwch fodloni gofynion y contract hwn.
Dylai cynigion gynnwys atodlen arfaethedig o weithgareddau, gan gynnwys mesur, gweithdai ac adrodd.
Asesu Tendrau
Bydd panel o staff Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol ac aelod(au) Grŵp Llywio PFH yn asesu’r tendrau. Seilir asesiad o’r tendrau ar eu gallu i ddiwallu’r meini prawf a nodwyd, ac a ydynt yn cynnig gwerth am arian.

Alison Sheffield, Cydlynydd y Prosiect, Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol
[email protected], 07752 542 853

This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government to pilot two new procurement food hubs in Carmarthenshire and North Powys.

Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi derbyn cyllid trwy gronfa Cymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru – Rhaglen Datblygu Gwledig 2014-2020, sy’n cael ei gyllido gan Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig a Llywodraeth Cymru i gynnal peilot ar gyfer dau hyb caffael bwyd newydd yn Sir Gâr a Gogledd Powys.
