Work with your local community

Find Social Farms & Gardens members in your local area with our interactive map

How could you support a local organisation?

  • Team action days – A very popular way to team up with a group in your area. You could make it a one-off event or a series of sessions throughout the year. Find out more about what these involve and how to book one here.
  • Make a financial donation.  
  • Sponsor a garden, adopt an animal, sponsor an event – through your charity budget or through staff fundraising.
  • Share your resources, such as donating meeting space, catering kitchen hire or offering to print publicity and signs. 
  • Share your professional skills for example accountancy, legal support, HR advice, data management, electrical work, plumbing, signwriting, social media, film-making. 
  • Become a trustee. Charities really value the professional skills and connections you can offer. 
  • Hold your meetings and events in a beautiful outdoor space with great facilities.
  • Find a new way to work in partnerships with a local farm or garden.

Check out our Business Heroes Toolkit for more inspiration and ideas. 

Latest Offers

Tools, seeds and more - view our discount offers to see how membership can benefit your group.

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