Exploring Community Access to Farms and Land

This series of case studies focus on access to land for sustainable farming in Wales. Learn how new entrants and local communities interested in agroecological farming are tackling the challenges and opportunities of access to land. 

Exploring Community Access to Farms and Land was part of the Resilient Green Spaces project and was led by our partners Landworkers' Alliance and Shared Assets. The Resilient Green Spaces project enabled communities to pilot localised food systems in Wales from 2021-2023. 

Morriston Hospital, Swansea Bay case study

The Morriston Hospital in Swansea Bay recently worked with a local grower to set up a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm on its land. This unique relationship between a health board and a CSA is the first of its kind within the UK. 

> Read the Morriston Hospital case study


Mae Cyngrhair y Gweithwyr Tir (LWA) a Shared Assets wedi cyfuno i gael hyd i ffyrdd i wireddu’r heriau a’r cyfleoedd o ran mynediad at dir ar gyfer newydd-ddyfodiaid a chymunedau lleol sydd â diddordeb mewn ffermio amaethecolegol fel rhan o brosiect Mannau Gwyrdd Gwydn. Diben y gyfres hon o astudiaethau achos yw dangos enghreifftiau o arfer dda sy’n bodoli ar hyn o bryd ymhlith grwpiau amrywiol yng Nghymru, yn ogystal ag egluro sut maent wedi ceisio trechu rhai o’r rhwystrau maent wedi dod ar eu traws ar hyd y daith, er mwyn ysbrydoli eraill sydd ar yr un trywydd efallai.

Cliciwch isod i weld yr astudiaeth achos lawn:


Related Case Studies

Find out what Blaenau Gwent Council is doing to support community food growing and land-based environmental projects. A series of case studies exploring access to land for sustainable farming in Wales.