One Planet Matters

Phone: 07378 323380
Address: Moorend Farm
Moorend Road
BS16 1S6

One Planet Matters (CIC) is a social enterprise whose main work involves supporting communities in creating a network of growing spaces and areas for biodiversity. We generally work with schools initially to set up these food growing and biodiversity areas so that children gain tools and knowledge about food growing and local wildlife while also connecting them with their local communities. One way that this happens is through the redistribution of surplus food to vulnerable people in the community. This is facilitated through linking schools with growing projects with other community spaces - care homes, faith groups (who often have links to food banks supporting locals), community centres, etc. The idea is to grow a network of growing areas with local volunteers and support from us, so that these growing networks are run by the community and serve the community.

As part of our 'Growing Communities Network', we have our 'Growing Spaces Initiative', our 'Orchard Initiative: School & Community Orchards' and our 'Generations Initiative: Growing Together'.

-Growing Spaces Initiative - we set up raised beds for growing veg, herbs and fruiting bushes.
-Orchard Initiative - we plant orchards of native broadleaf fruiting trees, often interplanted with wildflowers for biodiversity.
-Generations Initiative - we work with schools and care homes to offer growing spaces and resources to support intergenerational connections through nature.

We engage young people and communities as much as we can through these projects, so when we set up a growing area, where possible we run workshops so that everyone has the opportunity to get hands-on and learn a bit about growing and biodiversity.

As part of all of these initiatives, we also offer biodiversity spaces such as wildflower meadows, ponds, etc., as well as resources on things like companion planting, how to build bug hotels, or how to run a clothes swap event etc.

We are currently working towards setting up larger growing hubs in our more established growing network areas (such as South Gloucestershire and Derbyshire), which will work as a central point of learning and engagement, where communities can come together to grow food and learn about food production that supports individual health, community wellbeing, and local wildlife.

The other element of what we do is environmental e-learning. We have just launched our e-learning package, 'Social and Environmental Responsibility: Be a Changemaker' which we sell to sixth forms, colleges, and university student unions. This money is circulated back into our Growing Communities Network projects, and the e-learning offers a holistic understanding of connected social and environmental issues globally. As with our Growing Communities, this aims to engage, educate and empower young people to become changemakers.

Facilities: Volunteering, Community recycling/composting, Wildlife area
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Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
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