Pink Wellies

Phone: +447769738041
Address: Clwyd

A horticultural therapeutic project aimed at vulnerable people, but initially adults with learning disabilities. The aim will be to build on social skills, as well as to enhance mental and physical wellbeing, build on skills, decrease social isolation, and to benefit from the therapeutic benefits of being in nature. The plan is also to involve people in growing vegetables and plants to sell, to make bug hotels, bird boxes, etc, and to spread the word about the benefits of nature/gardening in general. The project will hopefully offer workshops, and will link in to health services in regard to green prescriptions.

Facilities: Volunteering, Wildlife area
Open to the public? Yes
Open to the public - details: Variable opening hours/pre-arranged visits/events or open days only
Opening hours:

Times of opening for clients attending will initially be 09:30 -15.30 on two days per week.

Accessible? No
Has livestock? No

Main road in to Trefor of of the A499. Bungalow on the left (first house on that road), next to a house. Also on a bus route.