Blackhaugh Community Farm

Phone: 07943440267
Address: Blackhaugh Community Farm

Blackhaugh Community farm is managed by a volunteer steering group made up of those who live or work on the farm or neighbouring villages. We work collectively to pursue the following:

Blackhaugh Community Farm is working to create an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable community farm, which aims to:
• Provide affordable access to land for people to live and work sustainably
• Produce low-impact food and plants, primarily for local sale
• Facilitate learning, training and social experiences on the farm
• Be an asset to our local community
• Work collectively to self-govern, manage and pursue shared ownership of the farm


1. Host, recruit and promote projects which fit our aims
2. Research, develop and sustain models for collective self-governance
3. Provide projects with affordable and secure tenancies and regular reviews
4. Facilitate cooperation, communication and sharing of resources between projects
5. Create and maintain shared facilities, infrastructure and resources, including tools, buildings, communal land and renewable energy
6. Organise and support public events, volunteering and training experiences on the farm that bring people together to learn and socialise.
7. Foster well-being and friendships within our farm community through work days and social gatherings for farm residents, workers & volunteers
8. Host temporary accommodation for farm workers and visitors and explore long-term affordable housing on the farm
9. Research and enact a timeline towards farm ownership
10. Manage the land in a way that improves wildlife habitat and biodiversity

Facilities: Volunteering, Community space for hire, Play area, Wildlife area
Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?