Torridge Growing Together CIC

Phone: 07434 239082
Address: The Arts Centre
EX39 2EY

We are a totally inclusive group, with the intention of improving people's lives through working
together to enhance the local environment and grow organic food to share. Our aims are to
tackle social isolation, food poverty, mental and physical health problems and skills gaps through meaningful, collaborative activity and connecting with nature. We are based in the Torridge area of Devon, where we encourage people to develop friendships, and to share skills and knowledge through a
mentoring scheme. We are also identifying local areas which would benefit from increased biodiversity and
seeking ways to connect people to their green spaces
Our motto is 'Planting hope for a brighter future'.

Facilities: Volunteering, Community recycling/composting, Wildlife area
Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?