East Clayton Farm

Phone: 01903 741011
Address: Storrington Road
RH13 8NH

***** Green Care Quality Mark Awarded Dec 2022 *****
East Clayton Farm at Washington in the South Downs National Park, is owned by the National Trust and the charity Lorica Trust are long term tenants of this 120-acre farm. <br />
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It is a unique collaboration between Lorica Trust, National Trust, West Sussex County Council, YMCA and South Downs Housing.<br />
We provide independent living units for 8 profoundly disabled young adults and accommodation for 4 adults moving on from homelessness. <br />
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We use the farm to help marginalised and disengaged people re-engage with work and training.<br />
We work with young people that are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless, young offenders, those with learning,behavioural difficulties, disabilities and many that are at risk of becoming NEET(Not in Education, Employment or Training). <br />
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Our programmes offer a means to improve skills, self-esteem and self-confidence.<br />
We work with many volunteers from the local community whilst generating a sense of belonging for all involved at the farm.