The Shire at Crockermoor

Phone: 07933 475424
Address: Crockermoor Farm

We are a Care Farm for adults/children with learning disabilities and mental health issues. Our objective is to stimulate, educate and motivate the service users in skills such as animal husbandry and horticulture, as well as interaction, communication and life skills.

Facilities: Picnic area, Play area, Play activities, Holiday activities, Wildlife area
Open to the public? Yes
Open to the public - details: Variable opening hours/pre-arranged visits/events or open days only
Opening hours:

Monday - Fridays 10-3

Accessible? Yes
Has livestock? Yes
Details of livestock and rare breeds kept:

Ewe Orphan Lambs, Piglets, chickens, ducks, pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, Tortoise, Horse, Miniature Shetlands, Donkies.


Turn off at Crockermoor Sign on main road towards Corscombe. Follow sign posts to Crockermoor Farm.