Nurtured in Nature CIC

Phone: 07720049585
Address: 2 Black Heddons
TD15 2PE

The objects of the Company are to carry on activities which benefit the community and in particular (without limitation) Nurtured in Nature alongside Sister Company Turn About Pegasus (NiN) CIC aims to provide a therapeutic, non-judgmental environment using a relational model utilising the natural environment, to help Individual, groups and families to make positive changes and work towards employability and good physical and mental health and contribute to the environment.
Nurtured in Nature Provides Care farming for a wide range of clients, Outdoor play therapy, Family Play Therapy, Individual play Therapy, Filial Therapy, outdoor Life Story therapy, Horticulture and permaculture, outdoor education, social education, Nature Therapy, Forest School for all ages as well as training therapists internationally in Filial Therapy and Animal Assisted Play Therapy in a peaceful therapeutic space on a farm in rural North Northumberland. The directors have a proven history of success and partnership collaboration for the range of problems identified.

Facilities: Volunteering, Community space for hire, Picnic area, Wildlife area, Sustainable/Green building on site
Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?