Wyld Edges CIC, Harmony Garden
Shirley Close
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Phone Number: 07516477470

The Harmony Garden is facilitated by Wyld Edges CIC. The garden provides an opportunity for people to learn how to grow food and gardening skills. We run two days a week, offering mental wellbeing support by two MIND peer support workers, who are also trained permaculture teachers.

On Saturdays we focus on eating food from the garden, and how eating healthy food can support mental wellbeing. We also offer craft activities and an opportunity to learn about permaculture through gardening activities and workshops.

The garden offers a space for people to come and chat without any expectation of gardening, this especially supports those who are lonely.

We aim to run cooking workshops promoting the nutritional benefits of eating healthy food and work with schools and the community by offering Children In Permaculture workshops, create and sell our own compost and run a small plant nursery.

We are currently creating a Food Forest, using this perennial technique to show people how to grow food whilst supporting biodiversity and climate change.

The Harmony Garden is a LAND learner project.