
Phone: 07389853992
Address: WeGrow
86-88 Radnor Drive

WeGrow runs as part of a consortirum of social enterprises in Southport (WeGrow, A Great Little Place and Mecycle); collectively known as Autism Ventures. we focus on giving young people in our community opportunities to gain real work experience (hospitality, bicycle mechanical and agriculture) alongside their education.

WeGrow produces, supplies and distributes fresh fruit and vegetables, both from the onsite farming enterprise and through working with other local growers, throughout our community. We sell direct to customers through a vegetable box scheme, weekly markets and our through our on site farm shop.

The need for providing young people with autism with these opportunities is highlighted by shockingly low employment rates amongst the autism community.

Recently we have refocused our social enterprise to improve the offer for young people. Increases in staffing, site operations, efficiency and brand have allowed us to increase our capacity for work placements considerably without compromising quality. We also recognise the changing pressures for affordability of food, quality of produce and environmental awareness. These are core principles we have build into our framework.

We have enterprises in vegetable production, community orchard, tree nursery, community composting, eggs, honey and seasonal retail.

Facilities: Shop, Picnic area, Community recycling/composting, Holiday activities, Wildlife area, Sustainable/Green building on site
Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?