Cymunedau Tyfu – Cael eich ysbrydoli


We are delighted to be partnering once again with The Hilden Charitable Fund to enable more children to get outdoors and enjoy nature together. 
In 2023, this collaboration enabled us to support 26 groups with...

Nature, mental health, and equity. Highlights from the kick-off meeting of the GreenME project

The pioneering GreenME project will study how exposure to nature can be integrated in healthcare systems to treat and improve mental health for all. It officially launched its...

Seven years ago the Green Care Coalition (GCC) was set up to promote the commissioning and use of Green Care services. The term Green Care is an umbrella term that covers;

  • Social and Therapeutic Horticulture
  • Care farming
  • Ecotherapy
  • Animal Assisted Services...


Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - 04:00 to 05:00
Community Orchard Forum Cymru / Fforwm Perllan Cymunedol Cymru A warm welcome to our Orchard Forum Cymru to all community orchardeers. This forum is a chance to learn from others and to share your...
Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 04:00 to 05:00
Permaculture Design in Community Growing Settings SF&G's Paul Jennings will be leading this session exploring how to incorporate permaculture design in community growing settings. Permaculture is...
Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 04:00 to 05:00
What needs planning permission? Led by Lucie Taylor, SF&G's lead for CLAS Cymru; She is a chartered town planner of 23 years and has worked with Social Farms & Gardens in Wales since 2013....