Care Farming Awareness Days



Care farming awareness days are part of the training and knowledge exchange events that we are offering as part of the Growing Care Farming project. These events will be occuring annually accross the nine regions in England as they 'Go Live' over the next couple of years.

The aim of these events is two-fold: Firstly as a way to raise awareness of care farming to local commissioners and referrers - to show how care farming can be used to deliver services for a range of individuals with a defined health, social care or special educational need and secondly as an introduction to care farming for 'prospective' care farmers - those who are in the early stages of thinking about the possibilities of delivering care farming services in future.

So if you are interested in referring users to care farms or commissioning care farm services or if you are interested in starting to deliver care farming services yourself - one of these local events may be for you! 


What to expect on the day:

The morning will provide an introduction to care farming, why it is a good thing and will showcase three local care farmers who will talk more about their journey, the services they provide and some specific key elements

Following a networking lunch, prospective care farmers will be invited to stay on for a number of interactive workshop sessions in the afternoon which will encourage them to think about how they might develop their care farming 'offer'  to provide safe, effective person centred services. Our experienced care farmers from the morning will be on hand to help answer questions alongside the Growing Care Farming team and  other experts.


To find your local awareness day see our training events page: click here