Exploring Community Access to Farms and Land

This series of case studies focus on access to land for sustainable farming in Wales. Learn how new entrants and local communities interested in agroecological farming are tackling the challenges and opportunities of access to land. 

Exploring Community Access to Farms and Land was part of the Resilient Green Spaces project and was led by our partners Landworkers' Alliance and Shared Assets. The Resilient Green Spaces project enabled communities to pilot localised food systems in Wales from 2021-2023. 

Acquiring land through Community Shares case study

Clynfyw Care Farm in Pembrokeshire is an organisation working to acquire land through a community share offer. The farm has been farmed by the same family since the 1750s, and following much discussion about the long-term future of the farm and security for its enterprises leasing land from it, in 2021 a Community Benefit Society (CBS) was established to purchase the farm through the issue of community shares.   

> Read the acquiring land through community shares case study

Archwilio Mynediad Cymunedol i Ffermydd a Tir

Mae'r gyfres hon o astudiaethau achos yn canolbwyntio ar fynediad i dir ar gyfer ffermio cynaliadwy yng Nghymru. Dysgwch sut mae newydd-ddyfodiaid a chymunedau lleol sydd â diddordeb mewn ffermio agroecolegol yn mynd i'r afael â'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd o gael mynediad i dir. 

Roedd Archwilio Mynediad Cymunedol i Ffermydd a Thir yn rhan o'r prosiect Mannau Gwyrdd Gwydn ac fe'i harweiniwyd gan ein partneriaid Cynghrair y Gweithwyr Tir ac Asedau a Rennir. Roedd y prosiect Mannau Gwyrdd Gwydn yn galluogi cymunedau i dreialu systemau bwyd lleol yng Nghymru rhwng 2021 a 2023. 

Caffael tir drwy astudiaeth achos Cyfranddaliadau Cymunedol

Mae Fferm Gofal Clynfyw yn Sir Benfro yn sefydliad sy'n gweithio i gaffael tir drwy gynnig cyfranddaliadau cymunedol. Mae'r fferm wedi cael ei ffermio gan yr un teulu ers y 1750au, ac yn dilyn llawer o drafod am ddyfodol hirdymor y fferm a diogelwch i'w mentrau sy'n prydlesu tir ohoni, yn 2021 sefydlwyd Cymdeithas Budd Cymunedol (CBS) i brynu'r fferm trwy fater cyfranddaliadau cymunedol.


Related Case Studies

A Community partnership took a 25-year lease on council land via a Community Asset Transfer, empowering the local community to make use of unused land. A series of case studies exploring access to land for sustainable farming in Wales.


Maesgwyn Isaf Farm was donated to the Ecological Land Cooperative (ELC) and is now in community ownership for new entrants to farming and for the local community. A series of case studies exploring access to land for sustainable farming in Wales.